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Range Rules & Limitations

Safety Rules

  • Treat every firearm as if it were loaded, keep gun pointed in a safe direction, and keep finger off trigger until ready to fire.
  • Gravestone is a “cold range.” All firearms are to be kept in a safe and empty condition (unloaded), magazine out, bolt back, with a chamber flag inserted until ready to fire, unless being worn on the body in a holster.
  • Eye and ear protection are recommended.
  • Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.
  • Know how to use your firearm safely. Use only the correct ammunition for your firearm.
  • Be sure your firearm is safe to operate. If a misfire or other malfunction occurs, keep the firearm pointed downrange and signal for range personnel. Do NOT leave the firing line with a loaded or jammed firearm.
  • NEVER leave firearms unattended for any reason. Store firearms so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.
  • The shooter is the owner of their bullet from the time it leaves the barrel until it lands. Please check your data/DOPE and keep barrel pointed towards the intended target, know what is or may be in your line of fire, and know what is behind the intended target at all times.

General Range Rules

  • Only shoot from authorized firing points at approved targets. Each target must have a backstop before engaging.
  • Shooting at unapproved targets, including, but not limited to, rocks, flammable or exploding materials, target stands/frames, and/or any wildlife on the property is prohibited at all times.
  • Do not shoot into neighboring properties and ensure that any bullet fired will not leave Gravestone property.
  • Never walk or drive past any cables, fencing, safety cones, firing lines, or closed gates (except for the range access gate near the range office).
  • Shooters are NOT allowed beyond the established line of fire at any time on the long ranges (Alpha, Bravo, & Charlie Ranges). Shooters may cross the line of fire ONLY in the in tactical bays (Echo Ranges) and zero range (Delta Range-adjacent to the tactical bays) to replace paper targets.
  • ANYONE CAN CALL A “CEASEFIRE” AT ANY TIME. All shooters will immediately ceasefire, bolt to the rear, remove magazines, step away from their firearm, and await further instruction from range personnel.

Range Limitations

  • Calibers/Velocities Allowed
    • .30 caliber cartridges with muzzle velocity no more than 3,200fps on steel targets
    •  .338 and cartridges faster than 3,200fps muzzle velocity on targets 500 yards and out
  • Bullets shall not strike any steel target faster than 2800 feet per second.
  • Full Metal Jacket, tracer, incendiary, and armor piercing ammunitions are prohibited from use on steel targets (this includes “green tips” or any other steel core bullets). Bulk military ammo is often steel core and may only be used on paper targets.
  • Do not engage any steel targets with a rifle carbine closer than 300 yards.
  • Bullets over .338 caliber are prohibited. This includes all .50 BMG, Barrett, and CheyTac class cartridges.

Long Range Rules (Alpha, Bravo, & Charlie Ranges)

  • All shooters must qualify for long range shooting. Competency of fundamentals and equipment must be checked and approved by range personnel to qualify.
  • All rifles must be scoped with marked and adjustable turrets. Red dot, open sight, and unmeasured holdover are NOT allowed.
  • Concealed carry is not allowed on long range (laying prone with concealed carry results in a firearm pointing in an unsafe direction and flagging other shooters).
  • Pistol calibers are NOT allowed on long range.
  • Bipods with claw feet on shooting benches are prohibited unless a protective barrier is placed between the claw feet and shooting bench to prevent damage to the surface of the shooting bench.
  • No sky loading. Acquire target in field of view prior to closing bolt.
  • Shooters are NOT allowed beyond the established line of fire at any time.

Zero Range Rules (Delta Range)

  • To go downrange to replace a target, the following steps must be taken:
    • Give the command “Ceasefire.”
    • Clear all weapons (all weapons unloaded, magazines out, and bolt back).
    • Step away from the firing line.
    • Give the command “Range is all clear” (Firearms may NOT be handled while the range is COLD).
    • You may go downrange to replace your target.
    •  A “Range is Hot” command must be given once all shooters are safely behind the firing line.
    • Shooters may commence firing.

Tactical Bay Rules (Echo Ranges)

  • To go downrange to replace a target, the following steps must be taken:
    • Give the command “Ceasefire.”
    • Clear all weapons (all weapons unloaded, magazines out, and bolt back).
    • Step away from the firing line.
    • Give the command “Range is all clear” (Firearms may NOT be handled while the range is COLD).
    • You may go downrange to replace your target.
    •  A “Range is Hot” command must be given once all shooters are safely behind the firing line.
    • Shooters may commence firing.
  • Rifle calibers are prohibited for use at tactical bays.
  • Only shoot targets at the target boards.